is waif

London is a city full of opportunities, fashion, cool people and it beats out a rhythm you can’t resist. Never the same, always changing and ‘influencing’ new generations of ‘influential’ people. Moving to London can be like a dream come true, Formula Rossa and complete chaos. Living your own, independent, mature life at age of 19, away from your homies and small town somewhere in _Eastern Europe *is great/sucks. You can truly express yourself here- wanna be an artist? Go for it! Wanna be that guy walking fast, in his Ted Baker suit (because a gentleman will walk but never run according to one of Sting’s song)? Go for it! Wanna be gay? Sure, why not. I was new to the City @GettheLondonlook and my knowledge and experience with the gay scene were quite limited. Me and Best Eastern Mate went to the most popular, the largest gay club in Europe.
The music rolled as we hit the dancefloor. The club was stuffed with bunch/ mixture of beautiful people. I clearly remember ordering Wódka= Vodka as we Eastern Europeans tend to do, right? I clearly remember meeting this girl. We all know this type- tall, porcelain face with long blond hair smelling La vie est belle, drinking expensive Tequila with lemon and salt on top. Coincidence that she is from the same _Eastern Country.
What about going to my place? Asked the pure Slavic girl.
She doesn't look neither like drug or organs dealer, so what can go wrong, right? The night was nearly gone but lights are always on here. Lights, camera, action.
On our way, we grab the cheapest vines and the biggest bottle of Wódka = Vodka we can
get in the fanciest district of London. Concierge opens the door and here we are in an elevator/ a lift going up to 35th floor of student accommodation building. In the meantime, we manage to knock back the bottles of vine. It was The View. The view on the whole financial district with skyscrapers, The Shard and flow of River Thames where dreams should become reality.
This view doesn’t impress her anymore. Her room is ordinary and vine is too cheap.
There are a few electronic devices left on the table next to us, their value is probably higher than my annual rent. None cares if you watch them as long as it’s not recorded/ posted online. They don’t want your money or organs; only IG and snap nick. Where is your Burberry scarf and Gin&tonic (but shaken not stirred one)? We don't wanna go home; Better dance for us. You're fucked but, oh, you're sooo fun; How you holding on? More law and medicine students joined us in ‘Lifestyle goals’ alcoholization on the 35th floor.
- I walked for Versace, but my parents what me to become a lawyer – said one of the Vanity Fayre participants
- Maybe we can hang out next week?
- Sorry mate, Going on holidays.
- Next week, I will buy a house for 1 million
- Where do you live? Is zone 3 still London?
What’s the rent and how many square
- I am tired of this Italian restaurant, btw my
watch is Rolex- I admire craftsmanship
- Do you need to use public transport? There
are so many germs. Sorry for you
- Give me your IG and Snap nickname; What’s
your name?
- Take another one, I look ugly on this one!
One more! Let me take a selfie!
- Eastern Europe sounds dangerous; Do you
have polar bears on the streets?
- Do you have democracy there? – that’s
actually doubtful lately